Background Photography

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Eating's Out!!

We've been trying to keep in touch with our parents and family back home as best as we can, and because phone calls are so expensive, the blog has proved useful for letting people know what we are up to.  However, when I spoke to my mum last week, she was pleased that she could keep track of us on the web, but disappointed that I apparently keep mentioning food all the time and she's concerned that people will think I'm just greedy.  I reassured her that anyone reading the blog who knows me won't think I'm greedy and love food too much, they'll KNOW IT!!  So I've decided to get it all out in the open and give a list of some of the places I (and we) have been fortunate to visit, and I must stress that I've never eaten more than three square meals in one day and sometimes only two.

In rough order of preference (or new experience excitedment factor):
The Famous Sam's Diner - home of the legendary 1/2 pound Home Burger and frequented by many famous Ice Hockey stars.
Dairy Queen - The best ice cream in the world, Large Mint Oreo Blizzard please?
The Mandarin & Big King Chinese Buffets - Jimmy Chungs only a LOT more to choose from, you need a map to navigate the buffet tables.
3 Coins Diner - An indepenent classic American Diner
A&W Root Beer - Excellent Burger joint with a speciality for root beer.
Tim Hortons - For my daily coffees, French Vanilla Cappucino or Ice Cap (Coffee slush puppy) are my favourites.
Pizza Pizza - A Canadian type of Dominos, except with a selection of pizza slices ready to go all the time.
Mr Sub - Subway, but cheaper and perhaps a bit tastier too.
Japanese Buffet - A waiter passes your table every five minutes and you order lots of small plates to share for an all-in price.
MacDonalds - Interestingly much better quality burgers than I've experienced in the UK
IKEA Restaurant - The same the world over, so meatballs all the way.
Taco Bell - A mexican version of BK or KFC type place.

Sorry Mum!!  For now then it seems that Eating Out has become Eating's Out, I promise only to blog about extra special eating experiences from now on.

Building up of the Church

There's lots of pics to this post, so I don't want to say too much about it as they tell the story. This is how Summit is built and taken apart every single Sunday morning by an amazing and substantial team of dedicated volunteers, requiring much more effort and organisation than a church with its' own dedicated building.

The Zoo

Whilst I was still working last week, Wednesday I think it was, Laura Kathryn, Joseph, Sarah and the boys went to visit the zoo.  They spent over five hours there and still only managed to get around half of the exhibits.  Kathryn's favourite was the Elephant, who she told me were peeing and pooing, Nice!!  My favourite pic is the one of the three Amigo's walking together.

During their time there, there was an earthquake here which rumbled across Toronto and originated in Ottawa.  We felt the church office building shake, but many people (the zoo visitors included) didn't feel anything.  It was only a minor quake and didn't do any damage to people or property, but it was my first earthquake experience and the first here in around 20 years.  Oh the excitement!!

Thursday 24 June 2010

Catching My Breath

The silence on blogging over the past few days has certainly not been due to a lack of newsworthy material, but rather on finding the time to sit down and upload it all.  I'm debating wether it would now be better to simply summarise some of the activity by way of a catch up instead of trying to detail everything individually.  I think that's what I'l do, although there are some things I want to post specifically on and they may not now be in date order, but I'll explain as I go along.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Niagra Falls

No words necessarry for these pics, except to say: What a woderfull day and a great experience to see our second of the 7 wonders of the world (1st was the Grand Canyon 2002). Another wonder for me and moment of fatherly pride was when I asked Kathryn what she thought of the falls, and she said "They're Beautiful Daddy", so then I asked her who built these falls, and she replied in a tone suggesting that I must be stupid to have to ask, "God made them" she said. At first I thought Laura must have told her that earlier, but it turns out she didn't. It just seemed obvious to Kathryn's little mind. I shouldn't be suprised at this though should I, considering Paul's words in Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."